Orders are processed from our Australian warehouse in the Gold Coast from Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays) between 7am - 2:30pm.
All orders will be processed within 2 business days before being shipped (excluding public holidays).
Once your order has been dispatched, tracking information will be provided to your email.
Please note customs taxes and duties may be charged for international orders and are handled directly with the courier. SHOSAI is not liable nor involved in the courier's processes, including their management of customs taxes/fees/duties.
All applicable customs and import duties and fees, taxes and any other charges are the responsibility of the customer, even if you refuse the shipment upon delivery. If your order does require these additional charges, they must be paid by you in order for your package to clear customs.
Customs authorities require, by law, that we state the value of your order directly on the package. Customs agents have the right to release or deny release of your package and, in rare cases, they may also delay or reject delivery.
If you refuse to pay any additional fees, your package will be sent back to us and you will be provided with store credit for the cost of your order (excluding shipping). Should SHOSAI incur any extra shipping charges from the carrier, this will be deducted from your store credit.
If you wish to return your item/s, please note we do not offer refunds on incorrect sizing, or change of mind. All orders that pass the ‘returns’ check will have store credit arranged (minus shipping costs). You will have 12 months to use your store credit before it is voided.
SHOSAI accepts returns for FULL PRICED items;
Domestic Orders (within Australia): returns accepted within 14 days from when you place your order.
International Orders (Rest of World): within 7 days from when your order has been delivered.
Items purchased with AFTERPAY are NOT eligible for a refund. Instead all FULL PRICE items purchased with AFTERPAY are eligible for credit note.
Once the return has been delivered, please allow 10-15 business days for the items to be scanned back into the system, and a store credit to be applied.
To arrange a return, please reach out to the SHOSAI Crew via the Contact Us page and our returns team will be in touch within 1-2 business days. Please include your order number.
All items must arrive, swing tags intact and in the original packaging. If your items are returned without the original packaging, we will not be able to process your store credit. This may take up to 10-15 business days from the date the item has been returned. We cannot refund duties, taxes or shipping charges.
All SALE items are final and cannot be returned, exchanged, refunded, or have store credit applied. Bundles purchased are considered as sale items.
All orders purchased with a CODE are final and cannot be returned, exchanged or refunded.